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Showing posts from April, 2013

The Role of Gypsum in Agriculture: 5 Key Benefits You Should Know

While farmers have used gypsum (calcium sulfate dihydrate) for centuries, it has received renewed attention in recent years. This resurgence is due in large part to ongoing research and practical insights from leading experts that highlight the many benefits of gypsum. The latest information on gypsum has been covered in detail at past Midwest Soil Improvement Symposiums. The event — which has been held in conjunction with The Ohio State University’s Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference — typically includes presentations from industry representatives, scientists, consultants, and growers on the use of gypsum to improve soil structure, reduce nutrient runoff, and more. Here are five key (and overlapping) benefits of gypsum highlighted at past symposiums: 1. Source of calcium and sulfur for plant nutrition “Plants are becoming more deficient for sulfur and the soil is not supplying enough of it,” said Warren Dick, soil scientist and Professor Emeritus, School of Environ...