General Production Requirements 1. Groundnut is adapted to a wide range of climatic conditions. It is most susceptible to drought damage during flowering and kernel filling. It is not generally irrigated. 2. Popular varieties are; Chipego, Natal commone, Makulu Red, MGS250, Nyanda, Kadonongo, Chalimbana, MGV4, Luena and Comet. 3. Maturity period differs between different varieties but in the range of 20 to 21 weeks. 4. A well-managed groundnut crop will yield 5 to 10 x 50kg bags per Lima (1 to 2mt/ha) dried nuts. 5. Large seeded groundnuts growing in acidic soils produce pops (empty kernels). Land Preparation/Soil Type · Sandy Loam to soils with a pH range from 5.5 to 6.5 is ideal. · Effective rooting depth is 30cm. · Apply 20 x 50kg agricultural lime 60 to 90 days before planting (more if soil pH is too low). · ...
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