Starting a pig farm is one project that can bring satisfaction and joy to the farmers if it is done well. I quite remember the happiness I felt when I started mine two years ago. It was experimental, just wanted to start something because I had researched for about two years. Downloaded a lot of pig farming staff on YouTube. But my first mistake was that I took the project as a hobby. Pig farming is a serious business that needs time, attention and cash. 1. Pig Farming is Serious Business Yes, pig farming is a serious business and nobody starts a business to lose. From the inception of the project, you should have it at the back of your mind that you are investing to make returns. In this business, volumes count if you want to see a meaningful return on your investment. So if you really want to make meaningful returns, start with 20 to 50 sows so that you can increase your herd’s size to 500 within a year. Last month when I supplied 55 pigs to a local mall, it got finished in one w...
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