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Showing posts with the label Goat feeding pdf

A Simple Guide to Goat Feeding

Goats are inquisitive feeders and will walk long distances in search of food. Herbage is, therefore, an important part of their diet. This is a difficult requirement to meet in the case of zero grazing. Goats are browsers and eat variety of plants/feeds when left to find their own food. This ensures a balanced diet according to their individual needs. Goats are able to distinguish between bitter, sweet and sour tastes and show a higher tolerance for bitter tasting food than, say, cattle. They relish variety and will not thrive when kept to a single type of feed for any length of time, which is often the case when goats are kept in zero grazing situations. They need plants. They tend to prefer to nibble at the shoots and leave the stems. Palatability appears not to be their main consideration. They look mainly for a variety of feeds. The mobile upper lip enables the goat to browse a variety of plants to meet its nutrient requirements and up to 80% of their total intake may be taken as...