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Showing posts with the label Do butternut squash plants need to climb

Growing Butternut Squash

Butternut belongs to the cucurbit family of vegetable crops. It falls under the botanical group of Cucurbita moschata. The crop is a very nutritious vegetable whose fruit can be used with rice dishes and for making starter dishes such as soups. Butternut is a potential cash crop as it has a long shelf life. 1. Soils Butternut can be grown successfully on a wide range of soils. Fertile soils with adequate drainage are ideal as butternut is quite sensitive to oxygen deficiency in the soils. The ideal soils are sandy loams or silty loams which warm up rapidly. 2. Rainfall Water requirement is very high but high humidity encourages leaf disease and may affect flower production. The frequency of irrigation is largely dependent on soil type and weather conditions. Generally, for sandy soils in dry weather, the field should be irrigated at least every other day if not more often. The best test for the need of irrigation is to dig down and squeeze a handful of soil. If soil comes apart...