Ms. Rajareega at her farm in Sivaganga district, Tamil Nadu seen manufacturing the botanical pesticide. Organic practices avoid investment in costly chemicals. There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that in the past 4 - 5 decades there has been an excessive dumping of chemical toxins on the soil. As a result the soil has become barren and ground water toxic, in many places. Contrast this with organic inputs that are safe, nontoxic, and cost much less. For example, if using chemical pesticides and fertilizers for growing a crop in a hectare works out to about Rs.6, 000 - 7,000 the cost of growing the same crop using organic inputs may come to only about Rs.500 – Rs. 1,000, according to Ms. Rajareega of Raasi organic farms at Muthupatti village in Sivaganga district, Tamil Nadu. Lower cost Even if some critics say that organic farming cannot provide the same high yields as chemical farming, the organic farmers argue that at least their land is safe; that they have not ...
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