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Showing posts with the label Fire disturbance and permafrost thaw in a black spruce ecosystem

Digging Deeper: Unexpected Sensitivity of Deep Soil Carbon to Changing Fire Frequencies

Author Adam Pellegrini  discusses the findings of his new Journal of Ecology article – “ Frequent burning causes large losses of carbon from deep soil layers in a temperate savanna .”  Find out more about how fire frequency can impact carbon storage and root biomass in deep soil layers. Fires are dramatically changing in frequency and intensity, due to shifting climate and altered land use across the globe. Changes in fire can have dramatic effects, for instance altering plant cover and animal populations. So when we think about fire effects on ecosystems, we often are drawn to the striking changes aboveground. However, changes aboveground are only part of the story. Fire also causes many transformations belowground. However, the difficulty in measuring belowground processes and the slow processes influencing soils has limited our understanding of belowground fire effects. Aerial overview of three plots of the fire manipulation experiment. The large middle area (below the we...