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Showing posts with the label Importance of farm workers

40 tips on effective management of farm employees

Most times, farmers or intending farmers think about land, capital, breeds, disease control, vaccination, farm structures and other requirements that they look at as more important than others. However, to the contrary, research and experience show that the most valuable and important resource of all, the Human resource is given little attention. As farms grow in stock and other operations, the owners can no longer rely on family members as source of unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled labour. Before one knows it, they need to employ and manage 10 employees and the years go by, the number keeps on increasing. Employing the right people on the farm is one thing and effectively managing them is the other. The key skills and tips to manage these employees make a difference between a failed farm and a successful farm. The following are the skills, expertise and strategies to effectively manage employees on your farm: 1. Good communication mechanism. Established to communicate with ...