As every chicken producer can attest, keeping the birds in optimal health is a finicky task, and failure can lead to serious losses. 1. Put clean water in the right containers/drinkers You can also use a large flat bowl or container, but put some rocks in it so that the young chicks don’t drown. Remember to change the water every after 6 hours to keep fresh water running – many poultry diseases are carried by dirty water. 2. A safe enclosure Although chickens can wander about the farmyard during the daytime, they should have a safe place to sleep at night. You can easily make a chicken hutch out of wooden poles and chicken wire, with a corrugated iron or thatch roof. Build it on slightly sloping ground and dig a drain around it so that it does not get flooded when it rains. Put perches or branches inside for the chickens to roost on, as they often get sick if forced to sleep on the ground. Providing perches and cleaning away ...
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