On a daily basis I talk to a number of farmers and many just don't get it right. What do you need to be able to get such a yield from your tomato plant? You need the right fertilizers applied in the right way, right quantities, and right time. We have both micro and macro-nutrients: Micro-nutrients are those nutrients which the plant requires in small quantities but are equally very important for good yields. Examples include boron, zinc, sulphur, magnesium, manganese, and calcium etc. Macro-nutrients are those nutrients which the plant requires in large quantities for them to grow strong, healthy and give you better yields. The examples include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). This is commonly abbreviated as NPK. Let’s roll..! At the earlier stages of plant development, the plant requires a phosphorus rich fertilizer such as DAP (Di Ammonium Phosphate) or Yaramila Power. Three weeks from planting, the plant should be starting to flower and it’s actively ...
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