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Showing posts with the label What are the challenges faced by maize farmers

10 things I learnt about maize farming by spending time with agronomists

1. The choice of land preparation matters. Ploughing does more harm than good (ok this one I learnt from Sebastian Scott a few years back). 2. There are other basal fertilisers other than compound D which perform much better than compound D in maize production. 3. Plant spacing matters when it comes to attaining high yields. 4. Organic matter in the soil plays a big part in providing nutrients to your plants and protecting your soil.  Manure ,  compost   etc. use it (the Agronomists re-iterated the knowledge passed down to me from my ancestors). 5. Soil testing  and  liming   your yields is an often ignored activity which is basically the difference between high yield and poor yield. 6. There is an element called Boron which is essential for the growth or should I say fruiting/cobbing of your plants. 7. You can achieve better yields on small fields with good management practices than on large fields with limited knowledge and trying to str...