Our discussion continues… “I think we should talk about the hybrid varieties not tengeru," she suggested. "That's OK madam we can do that," I replied. "Let’s focus on budgeting for you to prepare yourself and see how much you need. We will do our budget in a field of 1 Lima (50m × 50m). We will do a spacing of 1.5m from one line to the other and 0.5m from 1 plant to another. So in one line of 50m we will have 100 plants (2 plants/metre) and we will have 33 lines (50 metres divide it by 1.5 metres from one line to another). So in a Lima we will have 100 × 33 = 3, 300 plants. Ok hope you are following." "Now the second stage is to know the cost of a seedling per plant. Let us put a plant at K2 each. 3, 300 x K2 = K6, 600. You have prepared your land and planted. Give a space of 4 days then thereafter apply your basal-dressing at 15 grams per plant. So you need 50kg as basal in 3, 300 plants. Apply top-dressing in the intervals of 14 days at 5...
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