First thing you need, is to do a soil test at your farm so you know the available nutrients in the soil and the soil pH . As for soybean, it does well within a pH range of 5.5 to 6.5. Variety Choice Always plant seed varieties that are high in yielding such as SC Spike (Spike shutters if one delays to harvest and it's early maturity), SC Safari from SeedCo and Dina F1 from Syngenta. These varieties have proven to be performing very well with very good tolerance to diseases and with good potential yields. Seed rate per Hectare 100kg of seed i.e. 25kg x 4 bags/ha Cost of Seed/ha K580 x 4 bags/ha Fertilizer Applications Based on soil test results. But standard can be 250kg/ha of Soybeans basal or Soy mix. Cost of Fertilizer k750 x 50kg x 5 bags/ha Folia Sprays 3 weeks after planting apply Omniaboost 3kg/ha. From Omnia Fertiliser Zambia. Towards flowering apply K Leaf 3 to 5kg/ha. From Omnia or Egt. Plant Population Pre-herbicides: Glyphosate 3.0 litres
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