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Showing posts with the label What is the best colour for carrots

Carrots: More than Orange

Carrots are among the oldest vegetables in the world, and they have a rich history of cultivation and variation. They originated from wild carrots that were usually purple with white inside, and they had a woody and bitter taste. They were first domesticated in Asia around 900 AD, where farmers bred different colours of carrots, such as yellow, red, white, and black. However, some sources claim that carrots were cultivated earlier in ancient Persia or Egypt. The orange carrot that we consume today was developed in the Netherlands in the 17 th century by crossing yellow and red carrots. It had a sweeter and juicier taste than the other varieties, and it became a symbol of the Dutch royal family, the House of Orange. The orange carrot was widely exported to other countries in Europe and beyond. Some of the earliest orange carrots were called Long Orange or Horn Carrots. Carrots are now grown all over the world, and they come in many different types and colours. Some of the most comm...