Sweet potatoes are a staple food in many cultures, and rightfully so. They’re inexpensive, nutritious, and taste great. But did you know that their leaves are also edible? And not only that, they’re actually quite nutritious! Read on for 11 benefits of sweet potato leaves, as well as tips on how to prepare them. Nutritional value of sweet potato leaves 100 grams of steamed sweet potato leaves contain : Calories: 35.0 Carbs: 22.7 g Protein: 4.0 g Fat: 0.3 g Fiber: 2.0 g Vitamin A: 1028 IU, or 21% of the Daily Value (DV) Vitamin K: 69.5 mcg, or 87% of the DV (when cooked) Vitamin C: 11.0 mg, or 18% of the DV Magnesium: 61.0 mg, or 15% of the DV Riboflavin: 0.3 mg, or 20% of the DV Potassium: 518 mg, or 15% of the DV Folate: 80.0 mcg, or 20% of the DV Manganese: 0.3 mg, or 13% of the DV Vitamin B6: 0.2 mg, or 9% of t...
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