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Showing posts with the label What are the most important nutrients for soybeans

Importance of Fertilizer Application in Soybeans

  Like any other crop, soybeans require the right fertilizer so that they can produce a good yield and have a healthy appearance. The feeding of soybeans begins with inoculation. Before planting, it is important to dress the soybeans with an excellent inoculant. An inoculant such as Bioma Brady, supplied by Agricrop, is one of the best options for farmers to consider using to treat their seeds before planting. It is a self-sticking inoculant containing live bacteria called Bradyrhizobium Japonicum, which is housed on the roots where nodules form. The bacteria are responsible for initiating nitrogen fixation on the soybean roots, providing the nitrogen necessary for soybean growth and giving them a vibrant dark green colour as well as retaining nutrients to benefit the next crop. After inoculation, it is essential to plant the soybeans within 24 hours; otherwise, re-inoculation will be required if not planted in the stated time. Manure can be incorporated into the program if it is read