You can get rich through any business including poultry farming. I have seen many rich farmers and very poor farmers. This is common in every business. Below are the real reasons why some people never make real money in poultry farming business: 1. Disorganization Oh yes. Some farmers are so disorganized. The real truth is that disorganized people don't make money. Order, they say is the first law in heaven. Money is usually magnetic to order. How would you know that you are making profit yet you do not have records for your expenses? 2. Cruelty Some farmers are cruel to their workers. Always shouting. Always threatening workers. And of course, workers will keep sabotaging their plans and efforts. I know of a farm where a worker refused to give water and feed to the chickens for the first half of the day, because he was annoyed with the farm owner over some issues! But of course I am not saying that you should babysit the workers! 3. Chop Alone Mentality Some farmers...
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