All plants vary in their water requirements according to their size and growth stage as well as the length of their maturity and time of year of maximum growth. Possibly no other major crop varies in its sensitivity to water stress based on growth stage than potatoes. Irrigation recommendations at key production periods are based on the S-shaped growth curves of roots, vines and tubers. Soil moisture requirements are related to different growth stages. 1. Pre-planting to Planting: A pre-plant irrigation is often recommended for two reasons. First, soil moisture should be about 70 to 80% field capacity. This will bear-saturate the field, allowing some room for rains. This level amounts to around a quarter of the allowable deficit of the soil. Soil moisture should be acceptable to support the developing roots after planting and reach emergence. Another benefit from a “pre-irrigation” is the breaking down of clods and clumps for better planting. 2. Planting to Pre-emergence (Sprouti...
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