The reason most farmers prefer raising broilers to layers is because of the fast Return on Investment (ROI). However, some cases of poor broiler growth makes farmers regret why they started poultry business. First, most farmers only research on how much they can make as profit when they invest some money in poultry business but forget to calculate the risks to know if they are up to the task they want to venture into. Secondly, they only hear that broilers grow very fast but don’t know why they grow very fast or what makes them grow very fast. No wonder one farmer would raise 6 weeks broilers giving him up to 3.5kg while another farmer would raise same broilers at 6 weeks still battling with 1kg. Farmers who find themselves in the category of poor broilers growth are often farmers who take the shortcut. If you’re aiming at staying long in the poultry business, you should understand that learning first before reaching out for your wallet to put your money inside the b...
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