There is a lot of confusion when it comes to poultry farmers asking the biggest question, ‘What is the hatch rate of your incubators?’ This is a very good question indeed as many claim that the incubators they sell can give anything from 95% to even some claiming it will give 100%? Take this with a pinch of salt and now let’s see how you can determine the hatch rate of your incubator by yourself and how to manage and store your eggs before you load into the incubator to get the maximum from the eggs that you have collected or purchased. Eggs You need eggs to load into an incubator and it can come either from your backyard farm or you can buy eggs from known friends, family or from your neighbourhood provided you know that they have males or cocks to fertilise the eggs. Make sure all eggs either collected or purchased are fresh, clean and with no cracks or damage. Once you start collecting your eggs store them in a cool and dry place away from wind drafts and direct sunlight...
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