After mastering the basics of raising goats, here are some tips to help you get up to speed quickly with your new herd: 1. Goats are social animals - They belong in a herd and they depend on the herd for their own safety. Never keep just one goat. 2. Goats think like goats - Learn how to think like a goat to figure out how to keep them happy in their fencing with easy access to water, food and shelter. If you think they're being " Stubborn ," look at things from a goat's perspective. They don't know how to walk down and around an object to get to something on the other side of a fence. For example, they will just stand there looking at it, unsure of how to solve the problem. 3. Bucks are males with a mission - Respect them. When bucks are in rut, they have one thing on their minds. They can be dangerous when in rut so use care in handling them and respect that potential. Billy goats smell very strong when they're in rut. However, you don't have...
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