Okra is rich in a plethora of vitamins like vitamin K, C, A, E, B6 and B9. In addition to this, it has a high content of fibre, calcium, magnesium, and potassium that provides great health benefits to the human body. Benefits of Okra: 1. Works against cancers. 2. Relaxes blood vessels and arteries. 3. Works against high blood pressure. 4. Controls/cures diabetes. 5. Good source of probiotics. 6. Works against asthma. 7. Aids in improving digestion/combats constipation. 8. Protects eyes against cataract and macular degeneration. 9. Aids in weight loss. 10. Helps control hunger as it's full of soluble fibre that makes you feel full so quickly. 11. Stabilises cholesterol levels. 12. Prevents neural tube defects in pregnancy. 13. Keeps one from getting tired. Seeds delay fatigue. 14. Mainta...
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