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Showing posts with the label What do you feed a female goat

Feeding Female Goats: 6 Things to Know

Goat feed management stages of female goat (doe): This will give you more details about goat feed management in female goats at different stages. 1. Goat feed management in breeding female goats. In a case where there is enough pasture present, there is no need of supplemental concentrate mixture for your goats. In case of poor grazing conditions, goats may be supplemented with a mixture at 200 to 350 grams of concentrate feed/ animal/ day depending on their age. Usually, the crude protein level of concentrate feed mixture used in the adult feed should be about 12%. 2. Goat feed management during the first 4 months of pregnancy. You should allow pregnant goats in good quality pasture at least 5 hours/ day. Goat feed ration must be supplemented with available green fodder at 5kg/ goat/ day. 3. Goat feed management during the last month of pregnancy. In the last month of goat pregnancy, the foetal growth increases 60 to 75%, so it is recommended to allow these pregnan...