When you grow your cabbage successfully, you’re guaranteed of a bumper harvest. What’s more is the fact that you can plant cabbages throughout the year. All you need is enough land to rotate your crops as well as disease and pest control and you can enjoy non-stop harvests. Types of Cabbages: There are several varieties of cabbage varieties available varying in size and taste. The larger varieties take a little longer to mature while the smaller varieties usually mature faster. The most common in Zambia is the green cabbage, followed by red cabbage. Not so common are savoy types (curly cabbage) which are tolerant to cold conditions and have deep-wrinkled dark green-leaves. Below are some common cabbages planted according to the time they take to mature: 1. Golden acer (green cabbage) matures in 65 days and Red express matures in 63 days. These are called early cabbages . Baby cabbages takes approximately 71 days to grow and are called mid-season cabbages . ...
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