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Showing posts with the label What is the largest farm in Zambia

The Zambia-Kenya dubious agro land deal

In any business deal, rest assured that there will be winners and losers. The losers will always be those who blink during negotiations; those who fail to adequately prepare and squarely look into the eyes of those they negotiate with. Zambia has always lost out on many deals: we sold Chingola Mine for $25 million. The new owners recouped the $25 million merely by selling mine scrap. Within a year the new owner realised $600 million: He had all the tax holidays in place. It’s strongly rumoured that that’s the business which catapulted him into the billionaire’s league. The sole loser was Zambia because those tasked to negotiate were ignorant or were compromised to play dumb; at a fee of course! This deal smacked corruption! The hallmark of most of Zambian negotiators is to personally gain at whatever cost! They don’t care a hoot about the well-being and interest of the country. Even under the so-called Patriotic Front government, negotiators were not patriotic to the country but to...