When you think of backyard farming, most likely, you think of tomatoes, onions or maybe even carrots but with the same ease, you could plant peas and enjoy a good harvest without too much farming expertise. Pea is an important nutritious leguminous vegetable that is widely cultivated throughout the world. It is a cool-season, frost-hardy, crop extensively grown in temperate zones but also restricted to cooler altitudes in the tropics and winter seasons in the subtropics. It is a rich source of proteins, amino acids, sugars, carbohydrate, vitamins A and C, calcium and phosphorous, and also has a small quantity of iron. 1. Climatic Requirements Peas are grown under various weather conditions. They require a cold and dry climate. The long cold spell helps in increasing yield. Pea seed can germinate even at a minimum temperature of 5 o C but the process is slow. The optimum temperature for germination is about 22 o C but at higher temperatures, germination is rapid. The optimum tempera...
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