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What is irrigation?

Irrigation is the method of watering the plants. There are various types of irrigation based on the area on which the agriculture land located. Especially drip irrigation helps to conserve the water in large amount. Similarly various types of irrigation method is used to conserve they water mainly in the dry water mainly in the dry areas. Let’s see briefly on the types of irrigation. Drip irrigation : This type of irrigation is mainly followed by the people living in the dry areas were the rainfall scale is below 50cm. In this method they will insert a small thin tube under the soil beside the root of the plants with the tiny holes facing a particular root directly for a single plant. Here water is supplied in a drips method were water drops falls on the roots. A plant receives the right amount of water for its requirement. Sprinkler irrigation : In this irrigation system devices are used to irrigate the plants but devices will be placed in between the road of the plants continuo...