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Sugar Beans Growing Tips

General Requirements Sugar beans do well in warm seasons of the year. Optimum temperatures for growing are 15ºC to 27ºC. A well-managed sugar beans crop should yield 750kg to 1 ton per Lima. Land Preparation/Soil Type Deep well-drained loamy soils will a pH range from 5.5 to 6 is ideal. Effective rooting depth is 60cm. Plough and harrow to a 60cm fine tilth seedbed. Planting and Transplanting Sow directly 3 to 4cm deep at seed rates of 15 to 25kgs seed per Lima with 1 seed/ station. Space the plants at 5cm between plants and 60cm between rows to give a plant population of 330,000 plants/ hectare. Fertilizer Programme At planting apply Veg Mix A 30gm/m 2 (19 kg/lima) - broadcasted. 21 days from planting top-dress using Veg Top 24 10gm/m 2 (19 kg/Lima) - broadcasted. 35 days from planting top-dress using Veg Top 24 10gm/m 2 (19 kg/Lima) - broadcasted. 49 days from planting top-dress using Veg Top 24 10gm/m 2 (19 kg/Lima) - broadcasted. 63 days from planting top-