Important guidance notes for the incubation of eggs. The following guide meets the conditions required for poultry eggs in all automatic incubators, but other egg breeds are closely similar. The first consideration in the incubation process is of course the selection and treatment of eggs. There are three important aspects to address: Stock breed and its vigour – do not expect high fertility or hatch rates from a declining strain. Breeding stock health – stock must be free of any ailments, be in peak of condition and fed on best quality rations. This applies to both cockerels/cocks and pullets/hens. Storage of hatching eggs - they should be collected frequently to avoid unknown increases in temperature that could trigger the start of incubation, and they should be clean. If they do need a rinse, only use tepid warm water with a suitable mild disinfectant, and only a very short gentle rinse. They should be stored in a cool dark room and ...
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