Important guidance notes for the incubation of eggs.
The following guide meets the conditions
required for poultry eggs in all automatic incubators, but other egg breeds are
closely similar.
The first consideration in the incubation
process is of course the selection and treatment of eggs. There are three
important aspects to address:
- Stock breed and its vigour – do not expect high fertility or hatch rates from a declining
- Breeding stock health – stock must be free of any ailments, be in peak of condition and
fed on best quality rations. This applies to both cockerels/cocks and
- Storage of hatching eggs - they should be collected frequently to avoid unknown increases
in temperature that could trigger the start of incubation, and they should
be clean. If they do need a rinse, only use tepid warm water with a
suitable mild disinfectant, and only a very short gentle rinse. They
should be stored in a cool dark room and turned daily before moving them
to a room temperature environment for several hours prior to transferring
to the incubator.
Incubation - essential environmental conditions
1. Temperature:
Maintaining the correct temperature is the
most vital of all conditions to properly control throughout the hatching
The temperature control is in four basic
(a) The pre-incubation period – when room temperature eggs move up to
uniform incubation temperature. The pre-incubation period (2 – 5 hours
depending upon incubator type/size) – any dampers are closed so little or no
air exchange in the incubator. As the temperature increases to the set point,
the internal egg temperature is also rising in an equal manner throughout the
egg mass. Incubation actually begins once the setter has reached its
temperature set point 38oC. This is the key to a narrow hatch window
and uniform development of the embryos.
(b) The front period (cell differentiation) with a higher temperature. The 1st
- 7th day is the front period, when the temperature in the incubator
should be 38oC.
(c) The middle period (growth period) with a mid-temperature. The 8th
- 17th day is the middle period, when the temperature should be 37.5
- 37.7oC. It is divided into two stages – endothermic, when the
embryo absorbs heat, (days 8 – 10), and then transitions to being exothermic,
when the embryo produces heat, (from days 10 – 12, and then up to the end of
the incubation stage). It is when the embryo transitions from an endothermic
state to being exothermic, it is necessary to increase oxygen and decrease the
carbon dioxide inside the setter by opening dampers when possible. The 12th
– 17th day is the late middle period when the temperature should be
37.5 - 37.6oC.
(d) The back period (maturation/hatching) with a lower temperature. The 18th
- 21st day is the back period, when the temperature should be 37 - 37.5oC.
Embryonic heat production will reach its peak at day 18. The embryo is
positioning itself for hatching, and absorbing the residual yolk, so the
temperature should be lowered to a maximum of 37.5oC. Where
possible, increase the fan speed and open the dampers, whilst maintaining
correct temperature. Transfer time can vary from day 18 to day 19.5.
Temperature setters should remain at 37.5oC up to the end of
hatching. If there are two batches or more in the hatching machine, leave the
control at a constant temperature of 37.8oC.
It is only when the temperature in the
incubator is kept within these guidelines that the embryos can successfully
develop and grow.
Temperature variations can cause the
following problems:
Too high a temperature can affect the growth of embryos; a higher temperature will decrease the hatching period and increase
the death rate, and if the temperature reaches a constant 42oC, the embryo will die in 2 - 3 hours. Too high a temperature during the
middle period will also affect the release of stale air from the egg, resulting
in a big belly and long feathers.
Too low a temperature can also affect the growth; a low temperature can delay the hatching period and increase the death
rate, but if the temperature is lower than 35oC, the hatching embryo will die in the shell. Too low a temperature can
also cause more water in the body and short feathers.
2. Humidity:
The embryos can adjust to a wider variation
of humidity. In the front period, the humidity in the egg incubator can be 70 -
85% RH, especially in the first 2 - 3 days. It is critical to maintain an even
and homogenous environment to ensure that embryonic development continues
evenly and rapidly throughout the egg mass. High humidity will slow the loss of
additional moisture from the egg at this stage.
In the middle period, the humidity should be
65 - 68% RH. In the back period, the humidity should be 80 - 85% RH in the
pipping period (day 20) as high as possible. The correct humidity conditions in
the incubator will benefit the hatching. In the front period, the hatching eggs
need to produce amniotic fluid, in middle period, they need to release carbon
dioxide, and in the back period, they need to chip the shell.
3. Ventilation:
Proper ventilation conditions in the
incubator will support good oxygen conditions, and help to release the CO2
and ensure normal metabolism and normal physiology functions. Poor ventilation
in the front period affects metabolism as the amount of oxygen will not be
sufficient. Poor ventilation in a hatching machine in the middle period can
also cause badly positioned and abnormal embryos, and can even cause death.
After the 19th day, the embryo uses its lungs to breathe, so the
correct level of ventilation, humidity & temperature is vital. The aim is
to lose 12 - 14% of water from the starting egg weight during the whole
incubation period (approximately 0.6 – 0.7% per day). When there is an apparent
problem at this stage, first check the constant temperature and secondly the
4. Egg turning:
The main reason for turning eggs is to avoid
the glutinous embryos sticking to the vitelline membrane. The blastula, (ball
of cells forming the embryo) is sited very close to the vitelline membrane that
encloses the yolk within the albumen. The embryo can touch this membrane
easily, so when the position of the eggs is changed by the automatic egg turner
system, the touch point of embryos and vitelline membrane changes frequently.
The eggs need to be turned once every 60 - 90 minutes. This will prevent the
sticking together of embryos and the membrane. After the 17th day,
they do not need to be turned, so they can be moved to the hatching baskets.
5. Egg cooling:
The purpose of cooling eggs is to balance
the heat levels, assist in the supply of enough oxygen for the embryos, and to
improve health and hatch rates. Recent research has shown that cooling in the
manner that most closely resembles the natural conditions of cooling when the
hen leaves the nest to feed and exercise, does significantly improve the hatch
rate percentage of chicks, as well as improving their general health and
strength. The first 7 days in the incubator, the eggs do not need cooling. From
the 8th to the 17th day, the eggs are cooled once every
day. When it comes to the 18th day the daily cooling can cease.
Every cooling can be for 15 - 20 minutes. To control cooling, just turn the
electric control off and open the door of the egg incubator. This is the
simplest and really is the most effective way of mimicking the natural
conditions of the hen leaving the nest.
If your incubator has an automatic facility
for this function and you choose to use it, the cooling periods will need to be
much longer, as the rate of cooling will be very much slower than simply
opening the door. Therefore the cooling period for the 8th to the 17th
day will need to be 1 hour once every day. These guidance notes cover
incubating control using the most advanced incubators, so it is not possible to
cover everything with some of them.
The vital figures that must be followed
though are those for temperature.
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