Our maize field has started tasselling already. This maize field was started up by irrigation and the rains have supplemented it. Seen in the pictures is a late maturity maize field. Below is a brief guide: 1. Seed Requirement per Hectare 20 - 25kg of seed is required to cover a hectare. 2. Spacing Between the line 75cm - 90cm. Between the plants 20cm. Depth 3cm - 5cm. 3. Fertilization Basal-dressing: D-compound is applied at time of planting. 4 x 50kg bags per hectare. Top-dressing: Urea is applied when the plants are about 30cm or knee level. 4 x 50kg minimum. Urea is the source of nitrogen for maize. 4 bags of urea is the minimum to apply per ha. However, we apply more by doing a second dose as maize responds positively to nitrogen. This gives us better yields. 4. Weed Management Pre-emergence weed control: Apply your weed control chemicals immediately after planting. Spray within 3 days of planting. 5. Insect Management Very Crucial The ...
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