Let’s say you own a big farm plot and you are carrying out other agricultural activities like producing tomatoes , onions , chickens etc. Goat farming would not be a bad idea. Mission To make K10, 000 per month from the goat farming business within a space of 3 years. If one big sized fat delicious goat is sold at K500, then you just need to sell 20 to make K10, 000. A she got can produce up to 5 kids per year that means you just need 48 She Goats (does) to help you make K10, 000 per month in a year (5 kids x 4 x 12 months). Of course you will sale off older ones and males to keep the herd fresh and productive but for now you want to aim for K10, 000 in a month from just the goats. Market Analysis (SWOT Model) 1. Strengths Goats are an alternative source of nutrition in the local Zambian Home. Goats have marketability because of their low-fat content, high protein, unique taste and faster growth rate than Beef. Also men believe that they can get libido by eating a male goats...
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