There are different ways, you can earn from agriculture without owning a farm or even physically being present on the farm. These are: 1. Know the agricultural market prices of food items from different towns or countries (supply + demand). Know what people want and supply it. Buy the food items from places where it is sold cheaply and sell it in places where the food items are demanded highly, thus sold more expensively. 2. Solve farmers’ problems. For instance, many farmers cannot tell fake seeds from genuine high production seeds. Provide the best seeds, pesticides and insecticides. 3. Train farmers in 5 skills required to run a successful agricultural business. The 5 skills that each farmer needs are: Group management, savings and financial management, basic business and marketing, technology and innovation, natural resource management for sustainable production. 4. Buy raw produce from farmers and add value to it. For instance buying ripe bananas, oranges, tomatoes; us...
We are a non-profit online community of visionary, dedicated and passionate farmers who have come together to encourage, share and assist one another with valuable farming information and technology regarding the best agricultural practices and trends across the world. Our primary goal is to “Promote Sustainable Agriculture” as a viable tool to food security across the world.