Agriculture is vital to the continued diversification of Zambia’s economy and to rural prosperity and food security for all Zambians. The country’s agricultural market system is exceedingly complex. Building the sector requires a systematic approach that encompasses entire targeted value chains. All links are important. Without a link to a profitable source of market demand, farmers will not invest in their farms. Without a reliable, affordable, and local source of quality raw materials, processors will not expand operations based on local materials and will not see local farmers as long-term partners. Without links to experienced extension services and market information, farmers will not be able to take advantage of market opportunities. Without reliable sources of quality inputs, farmers will not be able to efficiently produce the quantities or quality needed to meet market demand. To inform future efforts, we have compiled cross-cutting lessons learned in our twelve years of exis...
We are a non-profit online community of visionary, dedicated and passionate farmers who have come together to encourage, share and assist one another with valuable farming information and technology regarding the best agricultural practices and trends across the world. Our primary goal is to “Promote Sustainable Agriculture” as a viable tool to food security across the world.