Introduction Groundnuts have over the past centuries been a celebrated favourite legume in Zambia. Groundnuts generally can be grown in most soil types however climatic conditions and soil nutrients have a huge bearing on the yield output. Groundnuts in Zambia can be grown for both commercial purposes and domestic purposes. The commercial production is further classified into two separate markets which are the vegetable market and the food processing market. The Peanut butter manufacturing industry is the most popular for the latter. This guideline seeks to equip growers to be able to efficiently grow groundnuts. Commodity competition is now based on cost more than ever hence the need for Zambian growers to obtain a low production cost. Climatic requirements Temperature Groundnuts require a high temperature and a frost-free period of about 160 days. They will not reach optimum maturity for a marketable yield to justify commercial production in areas with fewer heat units during...
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