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Showing posts with the label What are the 5 essentials during brooding

Chick brooding and feeding

Housing and environment Ideally the temperature for the first few days should be kept around 32 to 33ºC (at chick level). For a heat lamp or gas brooder the hottest area under its centre should be 40ºC with the coolest area being 24ºC. You can use a thermometer to check the air temperature at chick height. You will notice even if you do not have a thermometer your chicks will tell you if they are too hot or too cold. If the chicks are too cold they will be huddled under the heat source and if too hot they will be at the edges of the pen to escape the heat. Your chicks should be evenly spread around the pen with some eating, some drinking and some sleeping. As the chicks grow the temperature should be reduced by around 3ºC per week. Switch on the heat source 4 to 6 hours before placing the chicks so their environment including bedding is warmed to the desired temperature prior to their arrival. It is important to provide your chicks with fresh water daily. Ensure your drinke...

15 stress factors to watch out for during brooding

As the saying goes, a well brooded chick is a well raised chick. Many challenges await the new chicks. Most can be prevented by good management and careful observation. Here are 15 stress factors you should watch out for during brooding: Cold, overheating and taking too long during transportation of the chicks. Delay in getting chicks on feed and water. Chilling and overheating during early brooding stages. Unsanitary surroundings - such as previously used Chickens litter or presence of rodent droppings. Pilling of chicks. Cold or wet litter and floor. Placing more than one variety of chicks together. Starvation (due to improper distribution of heat, feed, and watering equipment, and litter eating). Improper lighting of the chicks’ barn (chicks will not eat or drink in darkness). Debeaking and declawing of chicks. Dehydration (due to abrupt change of watering equipment or improper use of medication). Crowding (too little floor space and not enough feeder and waterer space). Hand...