We all want to make a profit in farming but what matters is the crops that can give us good profit margin and as well as when should those crops be grown. I always tell farmers that all crops can give us good profit for as long as we have timing. Last year I had a conversation with a certain accountant from a certain school in Muchinga province who liked growing maize at all cost. Well I had to give him my views and analysis of few crops for her to get the picture and decide whether to continue growing maize or venture into other crops. Below is my enterprise budget analysis to her and I think it can be of help to you in one way or another. "You see madam, maize is good to grow because the market is always available as it is our stable food but show me one person who failed to grow maize even for his consumption!! It is a crop which we all can grow. In most cases we start the land preparation in November if not October or even September. If we pick October as our starting mont...
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