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Showing posts with the label What are benefits of poultry

19 Advantages and Disadvantages of Poultry Farming

Poultry farming in the United States involves over 233,000 locations. Over 8.54 billion broilers are produced each year through this industry, along with approximately 100 billion eggs and over 238 million turkeys. The combined value of all of these agricultural products is about $50 billion per year. This figure is up over 9% from what the industry was able to achieve in 2013. When you include figures from around the world, the revenues and output triple thanks to large operations in the Asia-Pacific region. Although poultry farming is a process that produces an image of hundreds of small birds crammed into a small cage, unable to move, this is not the industry standard. Intensive agricultural practices are different than unethical ones. Hens begin laying eggs at 16 to 20 weeks, but their product levels begin to decline in 1 to 2 months. That is why these hens are considered economically unviable and sent for meat products. Chicken is one of the most consumed meat products in the ...