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Showing posts with the label What is the best treatment for coccidiosis in chickens

Coccidiosis in Poultry: Prevention & Treatment

One of the challenges you face as a farmer is the threat of a common and potentially devastating disease called coccidiosis. But once you understand what causes it and how it spreads, you can feel more confident about your ability to limit its impact on your flock. Coccidiosis is caused by a microscopic parasite that is transmitted via the droppings from infected birds. In other words anywhere there's a microscopic trace of bird's dropping in water or feeders there is almost certainly coccidia present. So you have to make sure that the hygiene of the water and feeds is at its best. Symptoms of coccidiosis include; brown diarrhoea, weight loss, paleness, ruffled feathers, huddling, loss of appetite, bloody diarrhoea. All birds are at risk, but growing birds and young adults 3 to 9 weeks seem more susceptible. So in case of any invasion by this disease always treat it using Embazim Fort, it is given for five consecutive days. When coccidiosis is allowed to proliferate unhan...

How to tackle coccidiosis in chickens using bitter leaf

It is said that coccidiosis spreads faster in intensive system of rearing, but this cannot be the only reason why free-range chickens hardly come down with coccidiosis. It is believed that the access of free range chickens to some herbs make them overcome problems with coccidiosis and other common poultry diseases. Well, the good news is that the wonder plants have been sorted out. And one of them is bitter leaf. Giving chickens bitter leaf extract in their water has been proven to take care of coccidia. You will soon find out how. How to extract bitter leaf for coccidiosis treatment I still don’t know why some people would prefer to use their hands to squeeze out the juice from bitter leaf. Here in this article, I will be explaining how I did the extraction with a kitchen blender for coccidiosis treatment. Gather some bitter leaves. The quantity depends on the volume of juice you are hoping to get and the number of chickens you want to treat. Remove the leaves from...