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Showing posts with the label How to control mortality in broilers

How to prevent poultry mortality during marketing

When your birds are getting to a marketable age, there is need to plan how they will be taken to the market and sell them off to consumers. Most part of poultry bird marketing entails conveying these birds from the farm to the market or consumers’ house. However, due to carelessness or ignorance, some livestock farmers lose some of their birds such as broilers, spent layers, cocks, and turkeys in the process of taking them to market to sell. Another important thing to note is that, proper handling of these chickens or birds is necessary before and when moving birds to the market. When animals are improperly handled, they may be bruised or wounded which lowers the quality of the animals and their meat. The value of these birds would also reduce when they are not well handled, which could lead to loss or reduced profit. To avert these losses as a farmer, put the following into practice: Stop feeding your birds with grits 2 weeks to marketing. Stop any form of medication 2-3 weeks before...