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Showing posts with the label What is the management of newly weaned pigs

Care and management of weaned pigs: Basics of nursery pig care

Last week we discussed management of newly born piglets . The discussion today is a continuation but focused on management of weaned piglets. Weaning is the process of stopping the piglets from suckling the sow. This is done by removing the sow from the farrowing unit or removing piglets from the sow unit to their new pen. Weaning is the most stressful process to piglets and if not handled well, chances of losing them are very high! This is because: 1. Change of Diet: There is change from liquid to sole dependency on solid diet. When with their mother, piglets are used to a combination of both liquid (sow milk) and solid (Barbistar safe creep feed) diets. A piglet hardly consume 500g of creep feed from its introduction at 6 days to weaning. Therefore less solid food is consumed during suckling. Weaned piglets will be more interested in water in the first few days before good appetite for solid food is developed. This is why providing a consistent access to clean and fresh water...