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Showing posts with the label How do you plant sorghum in Zambia

Sorghum Production Practices

Sorghum is the fifth most important grain crop after maize, wheat, rice and barley. Sorghum farming in Kenya is an important agricultural activity in the economy. The crop is grown in Western, Northern Rift Valley, Eastern and some parts of Central Province. The crop is fairly drought resistant and thus it is quite popular in drier areas of the country. One of the major companies that buy sorghum from farmers in Kenya is East Africa Breweries Limited. Land Preparation For both forage and food varieties of sorghum, start preparing the land at the end of the rains following a crop season. Sorghum does well in sandy soils. It can also be grown where the soils are not disturbed much ( where conservation tillage is practiced ). Sorghum Varieties 1. E6518 : Matures in 230 days (about seven-and-half months). It produces about 33 x 90kg bags of sorghum grain and 230 x 90kg bags of fodder per acre. The plant attains a height of 3m. This variety is suitable for fodder. 2. E1291 : Matu...