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Showing posts with the label What are the 4 simple ways to help the environment

4 Ways that You Can Make a Difference to the Environment

We are facing a climate emergency on this planet. There is now no escaping it. As world leaders and businesses try to work out ways of reducing their impact, the argument about who should be responsible for making the changes continue. The fact of the matter is that there are seven billion people in the world, all of them will have some impact on the environment, whether directly, or through choices made as a consumer. There are lots of ways that we can all minimize our impact on the environment, and we should be doing as much as we possibly can. This is not someone else’s problem, and it shouldn’t be down to others to fix it for us.  Everyone should be doing their bit  by looking at their own lives and looking at changes that they can personally make. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle A reduction in the amount that you consume will make a considerable difference. This may mean not buying items just because they are cheap, or because you can. If buying more means throwing things ...