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Showing posts with the label What foods and vitamins are good for the immune system

Discover Few Essential Food Items to Strengthen Your Immune System

A healthy and balanced diet, along with physical activity, stress management, and proper sleep are vital to keep the immune system strong. Immunity boosting food provides necessary nutrition to boost immune system and improve the gut health of the human body. It directly affects the way we feel and also how the body functions. As the world is navigating through a  global pandemic , there are certain measures one must follow in order to avoid infection and prevent spreading the coronavirus. This is because the higher a person’s immunity, the greater are their chances to prevent and fight any disease or infection. It should be noted that the immune system of the human body is highly influenced by the dietary intake of vitamins, minerals, and fibres present in fruits & vegetables. For example, most people turn straight to vitamin C whenever they suffer from cold. This is due to the fact that vitamin C increases the production of white blood cells and builds up immune function...