‘Rainfast’ refers to the time it takes until a chemical cannot be washed off by environmental factors such as rains. Oftentimes farmers have challenges with chemical wash off due to failure to understand or apply the rainfast of crop protection products (herbicides, insecticides and fungicides). In many instances, farmers have applied these chemicals immediately prior to rainfall or whilst it showers. Thereafter, the failure of these chemicals to yield the expected results has been attributed to chemical suppliers and companies. In actual fact this chemical failure is due lack of adherence to rainfast time. What exactly is Rainfast Time? For herbicides or weed killers, generally, chemicals must be applied 3 to 6 hours prior to rains. However, reference must be made to the chemical labels for these times vary. For instance herbicides like Paraquat only need 30 minutes to be fully absorbed and any rains after this will not adversely affect the herbicide. Likewise, reference must...
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