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Showing posts with the label Pests and disease control

Know Your Crop Protection Rainfast Period

‘Rainfast’ refers to the time it takes until a chemical cannot be washed off by environmental factors such as rains. Oftentimes farmers have challenges with chemical wash off due to failure to understand or apply the rainfast of crop protection products (herbicides, insecticides and fungicides). In many instances, farmers have applied these chemicals immediately prior to rainfall or whilst it showers. Thereafter, the failure of these chemicals to yield the expected results has been attributed to chemical suppliers and companies. In actual fact this chemical failure is due lack of adherence to rainfast time. What exactly is Rainfast Time? For herbicides or weed killers, generally, chemicals must be applied 3 to 6 hours prior to rains. However, reference must be made to the chemical labels for these times vary. For instance herbicides like Paraquat only need 30 minutes to be fully absorbed and any rains after this will not adversely affect the herbicide. Likewise, reference must...

Research Activities to Bring New Wound Debridement Options for Patients

Surge in incidence of chronic wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers, radiation wounds, infectious wounds, arterial ulcers, and acute wound including burn and trauma drives the demand for wound debridement. Improving the quality of lives of patients suffering chronic wounds is a major aim for researchers and companies operating in the wound debridement sector and wound care space. Research institutes and researchers from universities across the world are conducting trials and revealing results. They researched the effectiveness of wound debridement for complex foot infections along with venous leg ulcers (VLUs). Researchers from different organizations and institutes from the U.S. and the U.K. are on the forefront of developing new wound debridement options for patients suffering from chronic wounds. They aim to develop innovative solutions and launch products that would become preferred options for patients and enhance the quality of lives. Clinical trials have been cond...

Demand for Digital Health Solutions to Increase Exponentially Due to the Pandemic

In the last few years, the adoption of advanced technologies and digitization has increased speedily in various sectors. The Healthcare sector is one of the major industries which have rapidly embraced emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and others. Current Market Scenario: The medical industry is fast-moving with the latest technological advancements to serve the community in a better way. The demand for remote monitoring services, increased investment from commercial and government organizations for mHealth and telehealth startups, rise in prevalence of chronic disease, and growing advancements in the healthcare sector are major driving factors for the growth of the global digital health market. In addition, the rise in the adoption of digital health devices and technologies and the growing demand for wearable devices assist the market growth. According to Allied Market Research, the global digital health market is anticipated to grow at a significant CA...

Let’s talk Goats: Internal Parasites

5-point checklist showing the signs of internal parasites on goats Most goats suffer from worms. Worm infestation may contribute to low growth rates and death from other diseases due to worms causing malnutrition. Young goats are more susceptible. It is worth observing and noting what worms are present in all goats slaughtered for sale and all goats which die. This will enable you to know what worms are common in the area and make sure appropriate remedies are chosen. Different remedies treat a different selection of worms. Generally, most will treat roundworm and milk tape worm but not all will treat liver tape worm, nodular worm or liver flukes. A way to check for worm infection in live goats is to check the inside of the eyelids and mouth. If it is very pale, almost white instead of pink, heavy worm infestation is suspected. You can also check the manure for signs of worms though not all are visible without a microscope. If you have access to a microscope you can check regularly for...

Let’s talk Goats: External Parasites

Mumararungu Diane checking a sick goat Goats are prone to a number of parasites, some more harmful than others. Good management can reduce the burden to below levels of economic damage but complete elimination is unrealistic to achieve. 1. Ticks     Ticks are perhaps the most common and most harmful parasites because they transmit diseases like heartwater and gallsickness. Ticks mostly concentrate on places with less hair; under the legs, under the tail and between the hooves and sometimes in the ears. They can also cause lameness and nasty sores. Which ticks are most common varies from area to area. Uncontrolled they can cause serious disease outbreaks. Regular dipping in a plunge dip or with a knapsack sprayer will control the ticks. A systemic dip will give better control if using a knapsack sprayer as it is difficult to ensure full coverage of the whole animal. You can also use pour-on formulations though they tend to be more expensive. It is possible to keep goa...

Crop Scouting Tips in the Greenhouse

Divide your greenhouse into sections and ensure you spend a predetermined amount of time in each area, starting with plants in entry ways where pests often come in. Look over the entire crop to evaluate uniformity, overall colour and height. Check for plants that look different from others, and if any troubled areas stand out, start looking for pests. Inspect both the upper and lower leaf surfaces as well as the undersides. Monitor for pest populations by using biological traps such as Whitefly and Tuta traps. These should be placed at regular intervals in the greenhouse Frequent scouting affords farmers the opportunity to detect and manage problems before damage occurs. It is recommended that scouting is done at least once a week and more often when conditions are conducive for problem pests. To determine the success of a chemical application, scout after 3 to 4 days after application.

How to Take the Temperature of a Goat

As a goat owner, you need to know how to check your goat’s vital signs. Checking your goat’s temperature, can tell you a lot about its overall health. Taking a goat’s temperature is easy. You need either a digital or traditional glass thermometer that you can buy from a feed store, a drug store, or a livestock supply catalog. Both types are fairly inexpensive. To take a goat’s temperature grab a thermometer and take the following steps: 1. Immobilize the Goat You can hold a small kid across your lap. Secure an adult in a stanchion, have a helper hold him still, or tie him to a gate or fence. 2. Lubricate Your Thermometer Use KY jelly or petroleum jelly. 3. Insert the Thermometer a Few Inches into the Goat’s Rectum Hold the thermometer in place for at least two minutes. 4. Slowly Remove the Thermometer Read the temperature and record it on the goat’s health record. 5. Clean the Thermometer Use an alcohol wipe or a cotton ball that has been wet with alcohol.

Health Benefits of Tomato Juice

Fresh tomato juice in glass. Vegetable drink Tomato juice contain very high levels of antioxidants makes a big role in the fight against tumours, especially prostate cancer and cancer of the lungs, colon and rectum. Reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Assistance in download weight as low in calories and high in fibre and helps sense of satiety. Promote digestive health and prevents indigestion and protects against constipation, and helps in the prevention of kidney stones and gall bladder, and enhances the health of the colon. Promote prostate health and works to help ward off cancers. Features the dietary fibre lowers cholesterol levels in the body. Dietary fibre that tomatoes contain in general help to regulate blood sugar. Has a role in protecting and strengthening bones and protection of vulnerability, as a source of calcium and vitamin K, which is active responsible for the consolidation of calcium in the bone. Reduces the risk of blood clots, and features the calcium pla...

Causes and Effects of Vaccination Failure in Poultry

  The main purpose of all vaccines and consequently vaccination is to administer an optimum and safe amount of antigen to elicit immune response in the bird. Vaccination does not give guarantee that birds are protected. There are a number of factors which may furnish the success of a vaccine. It is a worth remembering that antigens or vaccine or vaccination itself does not produce immunity rather it is the bird’s immune system in general and immune cells in particular that provoke the immune response and present the antigen to T lymphocytes and by macrophages and from there it is expressed to b lymphocyte where the immune response initiated in items of antibodies. These antibodies are identical to the antigen of vaccine. The successful vaccination comes up in terms of higher and stronger immunity. On most of the occasions we get proper protection with vaccination but immunity breakdown is usually not known. The current topic highlighted the factors which will come up i...