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Showing posts with the label How do you identify a tilapia fish

Know Your Tilapia Species

There are many factors to consider when selecting a tilapia species. Here, in a nutshell, are the main advantages and disadvantages of each one. Which tilapia species is best for aquaculture? This is not as simple as it sounds; the answer depends on factors such as intended use, culture system and climatic and environmental conditions. The term ‘tilapia’ refers to all fish of the cichlid family that resemble the original genus Tilapia. In Southern Africa, naturally occurring tilapia fall into two genera: Oreochromis and Tilapia. Oreochromis are maternal mouth brooders, while Tilapia are substrate spawners. There are two indigenous species of each: 1. Oreochromis O. mossambicus : The Mozambique bream, or blue kurper, is the best-known tilapia species. It is deep-bodied and occurs in the warmer parts of South Africa in east-flowing rivers and dams. It has also been widely translocated to areas such as the Western Cape and Namibia. Red forms suitable for aquaculture are available....