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Showing posts with the label How do I know if my deep litter is working

7 Keys to raising chickens in a deep litter system successfully

When setting up a poultry farm, housing is one of the most important factors to be considered. Deep litter system and battery cage system are the major types of housing for poultry birds. Battery cage system is commonly used due to some added advantages but I will show you how to use a deep litter system to maximize your profit better than battery cage system. What is a deep litter system? Deep litter system is an indigenous system of raising chickens whereby, chickens are raised on the floor covered with some specific types of material called beddings or litter materials to prevent the direct contact of the birds and the bare floor. This system of keeping poultry birds is, undoubtedly, the cheapest but requires some management practices most farmers find or let me say assume are not too important. Why poultry farmers fail in the deep litter system If you have adopted the deep litter system and you could not get your desired result, I can tell you it is because of one or so...