Lettuce is a high value crop, which in Zimbabwe can be farmed in many regions as the temperature range requirements are compatible with most places. In an unfortunate scenario, when one considers market gardening projects to undertake locally, lettuce is hardly top of the list, whilst it is relatively easy to farm and is not financially intensive. This is simply because it requires no major infrastructure development and can be done at a small scale. The following are basic guidelines which should provide a knowledge base for one to undertake lettuce production. Climatic Conditions Lettuce is a cool season crop that grows best within temperatures of 12 to 20°C. It does not suffer from light frosts and winter cold except near maturity. Severe frost before harvest can scorch leaves and heads. Temperatures above 27°C affect head development and plant edible quality and also promote premature seed stalk development. High temperatures also inhibit germination and can cause a high incide...
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