There was a lot of talk about Aspirin last time and so I took time to research, and this is what I found. Aspirin tablets can be used for growing healthy and productive plants and it really works. Here’re some of the best Aspirin uses in the garden! 1. Increases the Growth and Productivity of Plants At the University of Rhode Island, gardeners made a solution containing 4 crushed aspirin tablets and 4 gallons of water and then sprayed the solution on their vegetable gardens every three weeks throughout the growing season. At the end of the season, they found that the treated plants grew more quickly and were more fruitful than the group that was left untreated. They concluded that aspirin leads to increased vitamin C content and greater growth in plants. The Science behind this Claim Aspirin contains an active ingredient known as salicylic acid. It is derived from willow bark. This acid enhances the immune system of plants (Plants prepare it naturally but in lower amounts) ...
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