Are you fearful, intrigued, confused, or simply curious about herbicides? If so, you’re in the right place! Let’s dig a little deeper into the science of how herbicides function. To start off with, what is a herbicide? A herbicide is a chemical that can manage and control unwanted plant vegetation. The most common types of herbicides are synthetic, but there are also organic options . These chemicals are typically used to effectively eliminate weeds in order to maximize the growth of more desirable plants. Herbicides can be utilized anywhere from your favourite golf course to a neighbour’s garden, and everywhere in-between! It’s important to understand the different ways these chemicals are applied as well as how they physiologically affect plants. Categories of Herbicides The two largest categories of herbicides are selective and non-selective. Non-selective herbicides are designed to harm just about any plant species that comes into contact with it. Selective herbici...
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